2014 was another year full of events affecting the nonprofit sector in the United States. Nonprofits were at the forefront of movements issuing demands for reform and played a critical role in achieving successes in areas such as marriage equality and immigration. They also helped to increase awareness of inequalities and injustices that still exist and to highlight areas in which significant progress still needs to be made, including domestic violence, civil rights, and global wealth disparities. Nonprofit workers showed, and continue to show, tremendous courage and leadership in fighting the tragic Ebola outbreak and in providing assistance to those affected by it. On the administrative and legislative front, the IRS eased the process of obtaining tax-exemption for many small nonprofits through the introduction of the Form 1023-EZ and the nonprofit landscape was potentially subject to significant changes due to tax reform and the midterm elections—with the full impact of each of these changes on the nonprofit sector remaining to be seen. Here's our list of the top ten events that had the largest impact and a sampling of a few links discussing each:
开工射杀Michael Brown 和BlackLivesmatter
- 费格松觉醒七大慈善挑战,非营利季刊
- 黑活事件
- 哥守护者,白宫
- 非盈利者应该考虑伊波拉战斗者的影响,非营利季刊
- 5月最大私有捐助抗击伊波拉,NRMidterm
- Ray Rice和His Rage,纽约时报
- 两位参议员手艺汇票 YankNFL非盈利状态,慈善纪事
- 完全指南奥巴马移民执行,华盛顿邮寄博客
- 电竞比分总统变迁非盈利基金会,慈善纪事
- 2014年中期选举结果,华尔街日报
- 捐赠者名保密规则移位,纽约时报
- 2014税务改革法草案提议对免税组织产生极大影响,非营利季刊
- 税务改革,独立区
- 活动家为同性婚姻调用2014,NPR
- 同性婚姻快速事实,CNN U.S.
- 7关键点C.I.A.拷贝报告,纽约时报
- ISIS快速事实,CNN世界