Thanks toJen Bokofffor permitting us to republish this post originally published on theJeneralist blog。
首先,我听到你的声音。真正的。没有人想要所以他们ed of being something that is a bad thing. Being racist is a bad thing. And most of us aren’t consciously racist. And if we consciously knew we were being racist, well-intentioned people would hopefully want to learn and fix their behavior.
We are racist unless we are actively antiracist.Ibram X. Kendi说明: “There is no such thing as a “not-racist” policy, idea or person. Just an old-fashioned racist in a newfound denial. All policies, ideas and people are either being racist or antiracist. Racist policies yield racial inequity; antiracist policies yield racial equity. Racist ideas suggest racial hierarchy, antiracist ideas suggest racial equality. A racist is supporting racist policy or expressing a racist idea. An antiracist is supporting antiracist policy or expressing an antiracist idea. A racist or antiracist is not who we are, but what we are doing in the moment.”
Systemic racism is baked into America. It’s so baked in that as a white person, I often don’t see it. It has taken me years of deep listening, learning, and unlearning to see just how baked in it is, and even still, I have plenty of blind spots and more growth to do.
如果条款白色特权和白人至上主义文化感到陌生或不舒服的给你,我明白了!喜欢“种族主义者”,这些都可以感受到加载和指责。但是,这些都是理解和坐重要的概念。它的确定,如果他们提出的紧张局势给你;这意味着你可能做对复杂的社会,我们生活在和你拿着它身份的重要体现。我下面的列表将与您无关,你从一个地方的了解这些方面开始之后。白特权:拆开隐形背包通过Peggy McIntosh and白人至上主义文化的特点as excerpted fromDismantling Racism: A Workbook for Social Change Groups通过Kenneth Jones and Tema Okun are two accessible starting places. Neither is long; both will feel weighty. As you read these pieces, I encourage you to not try to “solve” your whiteness, but to sit with it and reflect on how it has affected your presence in the world.
Next, please watch this在革命公共广播昨天瑞秋Cargle共享。它有力的理由我们在当前时刻鼓励作用。
- Video technology has helped immensely to capture and widely share racist, and often violent, acts. But, these acts are not new, and we shouldn’t need video “proof” to believe that this happens every day, everywhere. And, while consuming such videos may be a learning experience for you,考虑如何转贴他们可能是创伤他人,服务于维护种族等级。
- “News cycle care”–which is what I call it when people speak out on social media about how awful George Floyd’s death was and how we have to do better, and then they “go back to normal” until the next senseless murder–isn’t good enough. In fact, it’s damaging. We need to be regularly checking in with our friends and colleagues with交叉身份; we need to be regularly learning, giving, speaking, and acting in line with the change we want to see; we need to be centering black, brown, and native voices in whatever type of work we do. It’s not enough to care only when the headlines care. Also, remember that part of care is不把负担在非白色的朋友做你的工作为你和思考你如何句话你说什么。
- Antiracist and social justice work can be absolutely exhausting. As indigenous leaderTim Fox共享的其它天,“[这项工作]是代。它不经过五年战略规划发生。该系统和思维方式必须改变,我们必须植物种子为下一代将继承在世界上的领导地位。”有了这个长远来看,我们可以记住它是不是百米冲刺,而是它的工作,我们需要在我们自己的速度在我们自己的方式稳步做。自我护理和访问社区照顾为能,是对这项工作至关重要。
这篇文章已经有漏洞,这ngs I could have framed or said differently. But an important piece of working every day toward being antiracist is not sitting in silence. We can’t be so afraid of getting it wrong that we pretend like nothing is happening, and that our siblings of different races don’t hear that deafening silence.
We exist in shared humanity. Antiracist work is ongoing until society transforms to be fully just and equitable. To embrace what true shared humanity looks like, we all need to take antiracist action.
- 停止杀害我们:现实生活中的噩梦- 文章(带嵌入列表)的塔米卡·巴特勒
- Anti-racism resources for white people- 资源的大型文件由萨拉苏菲闪烁和阿莉莎·克莱因编译
- 6种方式激活超过社会化媒体- 通过@jezzchung的Instagram的列表
- Mapping Our Roles in a Social Change Ecosystem– an instagram list shared by @terisasiagatonu and created by Deepa Iyer
- 五Ways To Take Action For All Non-Black People- 通过@theconsciouskid开发的Instagram的列表
- Shareable Anti-racism Resource Guide– compiled by Tasha Ryals
- 26种方式来在斗争超越街头- 由种族正义瑞星共享
- 饲养从事反种族主义的孩子- Twitter的线程通过@thecathyshow包括资源从许多了不起的组织
- 的世界的能动性:你如何可以参与– a list by the Cultures of Resistance Network
- 75白事的人可以做种族正义- 由康妮Shutack编制清单
- 6种方法是反种族主义,因为是“不是种族主义者”是不够的- 由丽贝卡·鲁伊斯的文章设有IBRAM X.肯迪的思考
- 10个简单方法白人民可拾级而上抗击种族主义每天- 通过@privtoprog编制清单,通过#ShowUp运动
- How To Be Actively Antiracist- 通过@goodgoodgoodco Instagram上编制了一份清单,从无数辉煌的作家和活动家平
You’ll notice that most of these are simple formats and social media based. While not all of my readers are on social media, this is content everyone can access. (And, for those of you who are on at least one social media platform, start following people with different identities and listening to what they have to say.) While the bite-sized nature of social media can often miss nuance, it can be helpful for simplifying giant challenges into manageable pieces. That is my aim for readers of this blog—there’s action to take today that you shouldn’t have to sit and think about for weeks.
Within these lists, there are ways for you to activate in a way that meets you where you are. You don’t need to be an expert to start contributing to an antiracist society.